Smart lighting that detects and reports falls in older adults–and more–debuts in UK and Ireland

The Nobi lamp (left), is, to this Editor’s knowledge, the first ceiling light that 1) provides illumination in bedroom or bathroom based on general motion detection, 2) can detect and document a fall, 3) can summon help. According to its website, it is programmable to do more, such as detecting motion and providing light to help prevent falls in darkness. If a fall does happen, it will alert help first, open the door if linked to a smart lock, then connects the person who has fallen with a family member or caregiver for reassurance. Optional capabilities include: taking photos so that the person’s location and type of fall can be confirmed; and some remote patient monitoring via connection to other ‘smart’ devices such as scales and blood pressure monitors. RPM information can be transferred to medical or residential records. Their AI algorithms can also determine sleep patterns inferred from motion and location in the bedroom.

Nobi was developed by a Belgian company that won the 2021 Editor’s Choice Award at CES. It recently became available in the UK and Ireland primarily for housing/assisted living/residential care use. The ceiling pendant lamp comes in two sizes and coverage capabilities–the larger Nobi covers a 10 m x 10 m area and the damp-resistant Nobita for smaller spaces such as kitchens and bathrooms with 5 m x 5 m coverage. The lamps use conventional wiring and Wi-Fi, taking about one hour to install. The information can be directed to the assisted living/care facility’s platform or to a family member/caregiver if in home use.

UK distribution is via Porters Care and Ireland via Medguard. Beyond the UK and Ireland, Nobi is also marketed in the US, Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Hong Kong, though the website covers only US, France, Netherlands, Denmark, and Hungary. Building Better Healthcare   Big hat tip to Roy Lilley and his newsletter and Editor Emeritus Steve Hards.

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