Runup to UK General Election: where parties stand on health issues

The King’s Fund continues to perform a great public service in objectively following and compiling where the five major parties stand on health issues and drawing some clear lines. In the 7 May election, the future of the NHS has become one of the major issues facing Britain, to the point of ‘make-or-break’. Their latest digest presents Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Green and UKIP pledges in six areas in animated infographic style: NHS forward funding, mental health, integrated care (health and social care, national/local levels), GP access (US=primary care), public health and NHS reform. More detailed information is available in PDF form. The main website on their General Election coverage including the major parties’ manifestos as well as the independent National Health Action Party is here. Bottom line: the NHS needs £8 billion to maintain itself. The rest is debate. Kudos to The King’s Fund, and makes us even prouder to be again this year a supporter of the Digital Health and Care Congress (and to offer our readers a 10 percent discount on registration, see sidebar to right.) 

Our UK readers who want a stinging critique of the parties’ stances (concentrating on Conservative and Labour) would do well to read Roy Lilley’s latest in his NHSManagers newsletter here.

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