Qualcomm Life, which to date has been more involved in device connectivity, interoperability and data management through its 2net Platform, has acquired care coordination platform HealthyCircles. Announced at ATA2013, the HealthyCircles service-as-a-software adds a front end to 2net’s biometric data that will aid in post-discharge and chronic care management from the hospital to home care providers to family caregivers. Qualcomm is clearly going after the hospital ACO (accountable care organization) market in areas such as reductions in 30-day same cause readmissions; the fit with WebMD in integrating 2net biometric data with the former’s reference information, as announced at mHIMSS, is a little less apparent [TTA 5 March]. MedCityNews, HealthcareITNews, Qualcomm’s (jargon-laden, nearly unreadable) release.
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