...St. Jude Medical and University of Minnesota. While this is about biomedical devices, if successful in 1) creating a review model and 2) speeding up the process, it will definitely impact the relations that FDA has with the connected health area, or even expand to include it. (Now if we could also get the FCC into this streamlining….) But the Feds give with one hand and take away with another, with the ACA’s 2.3% excise tax on medical devices (all those implants and stents) starting in January and IRS final regulations now released. FDA release LSA/MDIC release CBS News article... Continue Reading
Search Results for fcc
GPS tracking with autistic children (US)
Everon We believe we have the most advanced RF/GPS/Cellular solution available globally. The Vega/Urgentys solution has been very successful outside the U.S. and with our recent FCC certifications are available for sale to this market. [i]Scott - I've deleted the rest of your comment as this is not the place for blatant adverts and many of our readers will be well aware of the Vega product. However, if any readers wish to view Everon's Vega information (in English) they can follow this link: [url]http://www.everon.fi/en/products/hardwares/vega/[/url] Editor Steve[/i] UpNorthAndToTheRight Kids are great. I love kids. I have many (well 3 but feels... Continue Reading
Telecare Aware’s Terminology Campaign
...info on Telecare and Telehealth good practice. Good luck - Angela Donna Cusano, Editor North America Confusion increasing, not decreasing, internationally I'd like to link here the two Telecare Aware articles that indicate the heavy hand of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in further muddying the taxonomy waters, using 'e-care' as their umbrella term. 'E-care' not 'telehealth'...the FCC says so! Will US telemedicine be DOA? Trevor Cradduck also reminded us a while back that in Canada, telemedicine is a trademarked word, and Canadians use telehealth to 'include all forms of distance communication in the delivery of health care (including... Continue Reading
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