Check this space for updates and links. As this will be a short day ending at 3pm, most news will be summarized in the afternoon (ET).
- Rockefeller Foundation announces an additional $1 million in funding for the mHealth Alliance. This follows the total of $2 million in funding announced in the past two days from Norway’s Norad and HP.
- Bill Gates speech–Yahoo! News coverage. Opportunities: telemedicine, patient med reminders, simple EMRs for immunization records, robots (yes, robots). If you still can’t get enough Gates, Brian Dolan’s take in Mobihealthnews on how Gates fit vaccines with mobile phones (the birth registry) and the limited vision demonstrated in his presentation (but different in his blog?)
- Also in Mobihealthnews: FDA’s Jeffrey Shuren, Director, Center for Devices and Radiological Health on how FDA will first look at mobile devices that fit in the traditional device mold…but that there should be opportunity to experiment (lots of wiggle room here) and interoperability was a key factor; from Day 2, Patricia Mecheal of Columbia University’s ‘top ten’ list of lessons from mHealth rollouts, the most important of which is ‘It’s not about technology’. #9 on public/private partnerships may be the key, at least for now, for most. Photos from the Summit are also on the main page. (Note the link to which was linked to in our Day 1 and 2 coverage–Ms. Brannon has not posted for Day 3 however. Neat tweet from her on a Mashable article on ‘dumbphone’ i.e. standard voice/text phone is ripe for global innovation)
- The very last session–Does mHealth extend or disrupt existing health systems?–interesting panel, discussion of change in the medical model. Live feed up till 2:45pm. Linkous of ATA, McCray of WLSA, Arletty Pinel of iCarnegie, others
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