ISfTeH Student Contest and Award 2023, Friday 16 June

The International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) will be presenting the second session of this annual contest. Four students in this cohort will be presenting their work in the field of telemedicine and digital health via Zoom on Friday, 16 June, 2:00pm CEST (UTC+2, US Eastern Daylight Time 8:00am, BST 1:00pm).

The use of 3D technology in Medical Education: an experience report
Iasmin Lourenço Ribeiro, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil
Integration Between Medical Graduation and Professional Master’s Degree in Telemedicine and Telehealth at a Brazilian Public University
Juliana Magalhães Aguiar Cardoso, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil
Captar-Libras: Video Communication System for the deaf applied to pre-medical care
Lucca Fagundes Ramos de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil
Social Media as a Tool to Enhance Training and Patient Recruitment in a Large Trial With Patients With Hypertension and Diabetes in Minas Gerais – Brazil
Taiza dos Santos Azevedo, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Brazil

The first session was in April. From the earlier presentations and these, a jury will assess and score the presentations. Gold, silver, and bronze medals (with a cash prize) will be awarded to the three best presentations.

The ISfTeH Student Contest and Award and the prize for the winners are supported by ISfTeH member Medgate.

If you are working at a school or university and would like your students to be involved in future editions of the contest, or if you want your students to become members of the ISfTeH, contact our ISfTeH Student Membership coordinator, Dr. Simone Farah.

Categories: Events and Latest News.