The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is still in the long rollout of the Cerner/Leidos EHR system to replace their home-grown, once groundbreaking VistA and to be interoperable with the Department of Defense’s Cerner Millenium system. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report (PDF link) that concludes that “VA should postpone deployment of its new EHR system at planned locations until any resulting critical and high severity test findings are appropriately addressed.” These potential system failure points were brought up by GAO to Congress last October at the time of the first implementation in Spokane, Washington. The sidebar on GAO’s report states that VA agreed with the postponement, but a news report in FedScoop indicates that VA believes, per their comments in the report, that:
- VA and Cerner have resolved the major issues (down to 55 from close to 400)
- They will resolve the rest by January 2022
- They will proceed with the scheduled rollout to the VA’s Puget Sound Health Care System in Q4 2021.
Hat tip to HISTalk, which managed to summarize this in seven short sentences (!).
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