Further clarification on telehealth tenders and the North Yorkshire County Council

From Reader Vicki comes this clarification on what this Editor incorrectly reported as an open tender [TTA 9 Jan]. We are separately printing her comment to the original article, as a service to those interested in providing assistive technology to North Yorkshire:

A tender has not been issued by North Yorkshire County Council. There is some information regarding a market engagement event and an outline of the Council’s intentions. This reads:

This reads:
Thank you for your interest. The Council is shaping the future of assistive technology in North Yorkshire, and has carried out some initial engagement with the wider market, in May 2016, to shape our future of the assistive technology strategy that we are developing. To allow sufficient time to ensure that a robust strategy is in place which reflects the needs of people in North Yorkshire and the available market, we are delaying the launch of the new service until 1 April 2018. We are currently working on the draft assistive technology strategy which we will be consulting on in spring/summer 2017. It is our intention to launch the procurement exercise following this consultation. Further information and all the contract documentation will be made available through YORtender.

Our thanks to Vicki–Ed. Donna

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