Friday’s Alert: Telehealth and Telecare Aware Updated

Owing to an elusive problem on our server our adoption of a new alerts emailing system is still not complete, so we are unable to send out the usual alerts email today (see apology above). We appreciate your patience. In the interim, please spread the word by tweeting this post. Thank you.

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2014 Digital Health Conference | November 17-18, New York, NY
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Five new articles including further commentary on the TSA chair selection and a look at the worldwide black market in medical ID theft

TSA chair selection critiqued
(Paul Harper’s article in Roy Lilley’s newsletter reviewed)

Health apps presently of little use, says Australian telehealth expert
(CE Dr George Margelis debunks current state of the art)

Panasonic enters telehealth, debuts On4Today
(USA unit goes social, plus pilots a TV telehealth interface)

The sheer screaming attractiveness of medical ID theft
(Harry Lime would find this new black market more lucrative than stealing off Army trucks)

Roundup: data breaches ’round the world

(Hungary’s CEU takes a long hard look at it, and even FDA is vulnerable)

Earlier this week:
Home telehealth projected to outpace ‘telehospital’ by 2019 (Pick your forecast!)
Telehealth for Motor Neurone Disease (Sheffield Institute trial patient monitoring report)

Last week in TTA:
Ebola and health tech: where it can help, where it failed
Life expectancy up, but so is death from falls (US)
Google testing telemedicine program via Helpouts
12 percent of US veterans now using VA telehealth services
Faux Glass: not just a knockoff, but a sendup
TSA appoints new chair (Heraclitus’ comment a must-read)
Telemedicine getting out of the waiting room–perhaps
Three seminars on negotiating IP licensing, IT procurement and services (US)

Categories: Latest News.