‘For realsie’ take 2: DARPA seeking Warrior Web ‘super suit’ (US)

[grow_thumb image=”https://telecareaware.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Warrior_Web_Boston_Dynamics_sent-425×283.jpg” thumb_width=”175″ /]The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) continues its work on its version of an exoskeleton, called previously a ‘mech suit’ and in this article a ‘super suit’, to ease the load on soldiers who routinely carry 80-100lbs in the field and rough terrain. They are now up to ‘Web Task B’ which pulls together the ‘Task A’ components into a prototype ‘fully integrated undersuit system’ that ‘significantly boosts endurance, carrying capacity and overall soldier effectiveness—all while using no more than 100 watts of power.’ (Concept at left, DARPA photo)  Proposals can be in one or more of five areas specified. Proposer’s Day was today, but information is here and proposals are due by 4 October. Hey DARPA! Where’s My Super Suit? (Armed With Science) Previously in TTA: ‘Warrior Web’ becoming a ‘for realsie thing’ [11 June]
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