Short notice–Thursday 10 January in Newcastle, Aging2.0 is supporting the Innovation SuperNetwork on their Innovation in Ageing Accelerator Programme. This is a collaboration that includes the local National Innovation Centre for Ageing, Newcastle City Council and Northstar Ventures. They are offering £12,500 of investment and 6 months office space in the Biosphere building on Newcastle Helix. The Accelerator is holding a four-hour workshop tomorrow, 1-5 pm. If you can make it, register here.
Wednesday 30 Jan, NYC. Post-holiday, post-CES/JPM, and mid-winter blues have you down? Aging2.0 in NYC is hosting a Happy Hour (drinks are on you) down at Grey Bar in the trendy Flatiron District. It’s Wed 30 Jan 6-8pm at Grey Bar (26th between 6th and Broadway). RSVP here.
Friday-Saturday 8-9 February, Dallas. The Health Wildcatters are sponsoring a two-day Texas Healthcare Challenge. Format is a “hackathon-like” prize competition focused on creating team-based solutions to problems in healthcare. Teams can apply as well as solo fliers who will join a team that presents at the end of the event. Application by 24 January. More information here.
If you are in the Cambridge/Boston MA area, the former Health Innovators, now AutoBlock, hosts a weekly Thursday Meetup at the Cambridge Innovation Center on blockchain in healthcare. Hat tip to Kalyan Kalwa MD
And on the other side of the country, the 10th Wearable Tech + Digital Health + Neurotech Silicon Valley conference will be 21-22 February at Stanford University, co-sponsored by ApplySci and the Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiative. More information here.
And looking ahead to warmer weather…HealthImpact East will be up on 21-22 May at the Google offices in NYC.
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