In contrast with the Camden short pendant-orientated video [below on Videos Page], Dudley Telecare Service’s 8 minute video is excellent for the philosophy it embodies, the range of devices it covers (including Just Checking’s equipment), and the number of down-to-earth testimonials from users of the service. Excellent soundbites from Linda Sanders, Director of Adult, Community and Housing Services too, especially at the 7:13 spot.
mary mcgowan
Dudley video
Agree is good video – could do without the digs at us in Camden where we are working on idea of updating our info!!!
Do you have this version of video with subtitles? It isn’t accessible to someone I want to show it to – and we should all be making our materials accessible.
Mary McGowan
[Excellent news, Mary, I’ll pass on your request. Just thought the Camden video was disappointing in relation to the good work you do there Steve]
Leslie Morson
Dudley & Camden videos
Agree this is an excellent video, I want one!
Don’t worry Mary, I liked your video too and still do! :-)