Continua Alliance certification video demo by Freescale Semiconductor

Here is a 30 minute webinar presentation (video and slides) by José Fernández from Freescale Semiconductor’s Microcontroler Solutions Group in July 2009 that gives a technical insight into the way that the Continua Alliance interoperability standards actually mediate the connection between the measuring devices and the back end monitoring software. In it, he

  • Describes the Continua Alliance implementation of USB and Ethernet communication methods for PHCDC systems
  • Identifies and describes the Continua Alliance’s classifications of devices
  • Gives a demonstration of a system (including the Coninua testing software) using the 8-bit S08JS MCU to take and store a blood pressure measurement through USB Communication
  • Identifies the Freescale devices that meet the Continua Health Alliance standards for PHCDC devices

The sound quality isn’t great, by the way, and the demo is too wide to display on the Telecare Aware page, so this link will open in its own page and it plays automatically.

Categories: Video Gallery.