Just now, as telehealth proponents circle the waggons to stand firm against the onslaughts of telehealth opponents, what is needed is a GP to sit down and have a relaxed consulting room chat explaining from his experience of telehealth vital signs monitoring just where the benefits are for GPs, what the learning curve was, and why they should consider using it.
And here is South Gloucestershire GP Dr Richard Berkley, doing just that…
The 16 minute video could be tightened up a little but any GP who takes the time to sit through it is surely likely to be a lot less resistant by the end. The mystery is why a Tunstall-produced and branded video put on YouTube by Gloucestershire PCT has had so few views – 133 to date since it was posted 15 months ago in October 2011. Maybe the time was not right before the Whole System Demonstrator (WSD) programme results and the subsequent kerfuffle but it seems much more relevant today.
Perhaps, with the blessing of Tunstall’s CEO Gil Baldwin, who is the 3ML Working Group’s vice-chair, 3ML could get one of its other contributing companies to edit out the Tunstall references, re-brand the video as 3ML and put it on their home page.
Steve Hards, Editor
There are a lot of quotable soundbites in this video. I’ll be interested to know what your favourites are.
Mike Clark
There are a lot of good case study videos on You Tube and other locations as well that I have been collating.
Pulse Today have also just made available the accompanying video for their roundtable discussions with 3millionlives involvement. This takes views from different perspectives.
It is, however, necessary to register for access.
Steve Hards, Editor
Thanks, Mike.
Yes, “Other videos are available” but I have a feeling that 3ML will be tempted to commission a glossy, high-level, Ministerially-endorsed advertorial video, whereas what’s needed is a ‘down and dirty’ video that speaks directly to the GPs and their everyday workload concerns. If you (or any other readers) have come across better ones, please do post links.
Hmmm … the presenter is easy to listen to and has the sort of style that would suit the ‘relaxed consulting room chat’ style you suggest BUT whereas that might hold their attention in a seminar it doesn’t so well over a 16 minute video.
It needs breaking down into smaller videos in a suite:
– An introduction – explaining telehealth and why the practice wanted to experience it
– digital stories of each of the case examples. These then become dual purpose because they are relevant to patients but you would want to pick the one most similar to their situation? for other GPs you could have them pick out the most relevant and leave them to view the others on a library basis as and when – and they would be great for training and awareness raising with GP practice staff – including non clinical staff.
– A conclusion
I would like to see it made generic rather than branded but think that is unlikely to happen but the one thing that does need to be changed is the lack of readability on some of the slides – it is impossible to see the legend on those line graphs so they become fairly meaningless. Some of the slides also have too much information on for the time they were visible.
As for numbers of viewings on You Tube I vaguely recall that it only registers as a viewing if a certain percentage of the video has been streamed? in which case I guess the length of the video is its problem.
Steve Hards, Editor
@Cathy. 3ML should be giving you a consulting gig ;-)