Can telehealth fit in the medicine cabinet?

and, in the case of health plans, diversify enough to cushion the loss of beneficiaries to state exchanges or health system plans. Schoenfeld’s statement “I think luckily we are at the point that Washington is picking up on it. We’re going to see that remarkable change happen right in front of our eyes in 2013. I’m happy to go on record in saying that is going to be a transformational year for the health care industry because of the use of telehealth.” is perhaps the result of a premature cup of Christmas cheer. Now Editor Donna may be too cynical; maybe the ACA=Y2K and it will be resolved without disaster; hasn’t every year been transformational in health tech since 2005? But this ‘grizzled veteran’ cheerfully predicts that 2013 will be another really tough slog in FBQ* swampland. Progress will be made but no one will be ‘jumping for joy’. What is shaping up though, is that American Well, like other devices, has to be integrated. Either they will be doing the integrating, or (more likely) someone else will get it to fit into lives and finding someone to pay for it. American Well CEO: Telehealth is becoming part of everyone’s medicine cabinet (MedCityNews)

Hat tip to reader and ‘Aging in Place Technology’ writer/analyst Laurie Orlov

* The Five Big Questions (FBQs)–who pays, how much, who’s looking at the data, who’s actioning it, how data is integrated into patient records.

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