Award given to retiring alarm dog (UK)

Heartwarming story of Jara, a 15 year old Labrador/Collie cross, who was trained nine years ago by the Dog Aid charity to help his owner Kerrie whenever she has a seizure. As soon as one occurs he pulls an alarm cord in her flat that alerts her telecare control centre which then sends assistance. As well as sounding the alarm Jara is trained to fetch Kerrie’s medication and to bring a special ball on a rope which he can use to help pull Kerrie upright as she comes out of a fit. But now he is ‘retiring’ and has been given an award by the telecare provider Welbeing. (Good for them!) Full story: ‘Alarm’ Dog Jara Given Welbeing Retirement Award.

Related: Previous TTA alarm dog item, May 2012.

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