AdhereTech’s smart pill bottle gets a new retro design

[grow_thumb image=”” thumb_width=”120″ /] My visit to CEWEEK in NY at the end of June was, in contrast to the 2014 edition, light on compelling health tech. One that stood out, for all the modesty of their display, was NYC-based AdhereTech. It’s a med reminder system pushed to the max: a pill bottle that dispenses normally, but collects and sends adherence data in real-time, with a system that analyzes and records the data. If a dose is missed, they send out customizable alerts and interventions to patients, using automated phone calls, text messages and other reminders. It also uniquely measures the level in the bottleso it can automatically notify the patient, provider and pharmacy about a refill.

When last we saw them, they had just won a spot in the inaugural (2013) Pilot Health Tech NYC program. They have redesigned the bottle to have a more compact, retro med bottle-like shape along with a brighter light and chime.

AdhereTech targets high-end, critical meds and clinical trials which is why most of their partners are pharmaceuticals. The company is currently in the StartUp Health/GE-backed program and was an early graduate of Blueprint Health. Josh Stein, their CEO, mentioned to me that they will be announcing two new pharmaceutical companies and a health system in NY shortly.

Categories: Events - Reports and Latest News.