Telecare Soapbox: Twisted tender tendrils (UK)

Editor Steve asks why we still see tendering fiascos when so much experienced support is available.

The UK has a long history of both legislation and experience in relation to the procurement of publicly funded services. There is a veritable industry of advisers, consultants and lawyers who can be consulted on how to manage the process to stay legal and to get an effective result. Why then do we still see some tendering fiascos?

For example, there was… (more…)

Connected Health Symposium 2011: reviews and recaps

We’ll reserve this space for various articles, blog postings, Tweetstreams and insights about the Connected Health Symposium, held 20-21 October, sponsored by the Center for Connected Health. With regrets once again, Ed. Donna was otherwise engaged and was unable to take that not-too-long train ride north. Your comments/reflections invited.

Connected Health Symposium looks for answers to healthcare’s troubling questions. HealthcareITNews

The official CHS Tweetstream (#chs11)

Dr. Joseph Kvedar’s cHealth Blog on the MIT Media Lab presence at CHS, representing the objective assessment of patient via reactions to emotional stimuli, ‘affective computing’, and the role of ‘relational agents‘ (who can help to deliver healthcare).

From the HIT perspective, Melody Smith Jones attending from the Perficient technology consulting firm on Meeting patients halfway reduces costs. “Everyone is discussing ways to best engage patients and, not surprisingly, what the price tag of such ambitious efforts will amount to.”

Connected Health Symposium offers pitfalls and possibilities for wireless innovation. MobileHealthWatch reports that there was an emphasis on low-cost innovations in wireless health, specifically “pilot projects that look really great at conferences but that no one ever uses,” as well as projects that look great when they’re launched, then die out when the money runs out.”

Telecare Soapbox: Clients who need, but decline, telecare

Trevor Drage, Assistive Technology Manager Adult Care and Support, in Cornwall, UK, chews over the issues of potential telecare clients who refuse the service and how to reduce refusal rates.

“No thanks, please give the equipment to someone who needs it”.

From time-to-time we have clients referred for telecare who would clearly benefit from it, but who decline the service. They have the right to do that, of course, but there is always the lingering doubt about why they would do so and whether we could have done more to sell (in the nicest possible way) the service to them. (more…)

Telecare Soapbox: Leaping from a towering inferno is no longer my worst nightmare

Editor Steve reflects on a disturbing experience and its implications for telecare.

In the ’80s I saw a fire training film where people were jumping from a tall, burning hotel in Brazil. Reinforced by images from 9/11, having to make such a leap had always been my worst nightmare. You know…you are falling and think “this wasn’t such a good idea…I’ve changed my mind…” But there’s no pause button. You are totally out of control AND there is time to contemplate it…

That was my idea of horror until eight weeks, three days, six and a half hours ago from the time of writing. At that time something else became my worst nightmare… (more…)