Telecare Soapbox follow-up: Clarification of the BS framework three-year qualification requirement

What follows is editor Steve’s observation – BS has not commented – of the widespread perception, reflected in his recent Soapbox item and comments to it, that Buying Solutions (BS) initially required applicant companies to have at least three years’ track record and that it subsequently changed or ignored the requirement.

In the light of a private communication from a reader, I re-read the qualification requirements in the Invitation to Tender (ITT) document (PDF). In the sections relating to Lot 2, Telecare services; Lot 4, Telehealth services; Lot 5, Telecoaching Products and Services and Lot 6, Managed Services, the wording in each of them is essentially the same: (more…)

Dudley video: It’s not just pull cords and pendants

In contrast with the Camden short pendant-orientated video [below on Videos Page], Dudley Telecare Service’s 8 minute video is excellent for the philosophy it embodies, the range of devices it covers (including Just Checking’s equipment), and the number of down-to-earth testimonials from users of the service. Excellent soundbites from Linda Sanders, Director of Adult, Community and Housing Services too, especially at the 7:13 spot.


Telecare Soapbox: Reflections on the UK’s telecare, telehealth and telecoaching framework agreement

There are some people (OK, a few, maybe, and not just my 85-year-old mother) who share my opinion that I [Ed. Steve] am a nice person. As a long time supporter of telecare and telehealth for everyone who needs it I do not relish the reputation I seem to be acquiring as the Grumpy Old Man of Telecare just because I call it as I see it, which frequently contrasts with the positive spin put out by other interested parties. Enough of me! I just wanted to put what follows into context.


First, a little history of telecare procurement to explain why the UK now has its second ‘national framework agreement’. (more…)