Teen inventor develops video communicator, med dispenser debuting at ATA 2015

[grow_thumb image=”https://telecareaware.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/dispenser.jpg” thumb_width=”150″ /]Teen inventors come up with interesting designs and apps at science fairs and codeathons, but it’s unusual when a 15 year old brings to market an assistive technology product targeted to remote caregiving and socialization of much older people. This is the case with iC Loved Ones, a smartphone/tablet + independently controlled med dispenser for remote caring. A desktop PC, smartphone or tablet loaded with the iC Loved Ones app remotely controls the dispenser, delivering medications in pre-loaded dishes. A separate smartphone or tablet, which can be positioned anywhere in the home on the provided stand, is used for video chat and virtual visits. The auto-answer setup (more…)