ATHENE tutorial at Design4Health

The Assisted Technologies for Healthy living in Elders: Needs Assessment by Ethnography (ATHENE) project, funded by the Technology Strategy Board under its Assisted Living Innovation (ALIP) Programme, will be running a tutorial session at the Design4Health conference in July. The session “will be of value to people involved in the design and development of assisted living technologies, health and social care professionals involved in planning, management and delivery of assisted living services, CSCW and social science researchers, and commercial researchers and consultants working in the field. Comprehensive notes will be provided and other relevant material will be available on the ATHENE website. The presenters – from Queen Mary University of London, Warwick University, Lancaster University and Barts Health NHS Trust – are particularly associated with developments in methodologies for the study of domestic environments and practices associated with the participative design and co-production of technologies.” To participate, register for the Design4Health conference.