Help develop ‘The Big Red Button’ emergency alert app

Help Edd Tillen design a telecare alternative

[grow_thumb image=”” thumb_width=”170″ /]We occasionally hear from one of our developer readers, and so it was at the end of June when Mr Edd Tillen wrote me about a smartphone app he is developing called ‘The Big Red Button’. It does what a typical ‘panic alarm’ app does–alert a designated person about an emergency or unsafe situation–but coordinates the response among several carers with a sister app on their phones. One person is designated a ‘responder in charge’, and the nearest in distance (based upon GPS) is the first responder. The design of the app coordinates the response and informs all responders on what is happening to its conclusion. The responder in charge also calls the casualty to get a better idea of what is happening. Mr Tillen designed the app after how the British Army handles battlefield casualty drills where everyone has a role (he’s a member of the Reserves, Royal Logistics Corps). In his capacity working in social care with the Leicestershire County Council, he also felt that smartphones, which are being more widely accepted among older persons, are a better alternative for most than expensive and home-based telecare contracts.

Here’s where Mr Tillen would like YOUR help. On his website, there’s a working demo of the app. It has two different scenarios–what is seen from the casualty and also what the carer would see. He’s looking for reviewers to then fill out a consultation questionnaire, which he will use with his developer (part of the Leicestershire Tech Start Up Community) for modifications and with potential investors, who especially want to see interest from those engaged in the field prior to its projected release this Autumn. Website

Categories: Latest News.


  1. Norman Devereux

    I am a Telecare Assessor for Bedfordshire Borough Council and would welcome the opportunity to help Edd in any way I can as I also have an innovative nature.
    I chair a quarterly forum of other Telecare providers and just wondering if Edd would benefit in his project by using the combined experience of the group. The Regional Telecare group consists of Telecare practitioners from Bedford Borough Council, Central Bedfordshire Council, Luton Borough Council, Northampton Borough Council, Milton Keynes Borough Council, and recently added Oxford Council to our members list.
    My work email is
    Best regards, and thanks for providing such a great and much needed service.
    Norman Devereux

  2. This looks very interesting to us as we have been working on an Smartphone for some time.
    I would be interested to see how well the app runs on our device. We have also added a separate Red SOS button on the back of our device and are running tests at this moment. If any of the Telecare professionals here have any input on what we should add please make contact as we have yet to close down the final version of software.